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‘True ballistic’ training for true battle 读iness

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Not all military laser-training systems are equal. 虽然有些人无法准确地重现武器和弹药的工作方式, 十大正规博彩网站排名公司先进的BT46技术提供了一种“真正的弹道”体验,使士兵为战斗做好准备.

Laser weapons are a common theme in science fiction movies. When the hero of the film pulls the trigger of his laser blaster, a beam shoots out of the barrel at the speed of light, 立即中和坏人.

这是很棒的娱乐, but it has very little to do with the way that today’s ground-combat weapons work. 在现实世界中, 从士兵扣动步枪或肩扛式武器的扳机到子弹到达目的地的那一刻,可能只需要几秒钟的时间. 真正的子弹从发射的那一刻起就受到重力的影响,而且它们瞄准的敌人可能会意外移动. 风和环境温度等因素都会对它们的飞行轨迹产生很大影响.

不幸的是, 世界上一些最强大的武装部队使用的基于激光的训练系统教导士兵,他们的常规武器就像激光枪一样. 只要武器使用者在扣动扳机的那一刻直接指着对手制服上的传感器,它们就能记录下直接的“命中”. There’s no lag time or accounting for the target moving. The system acts as if all projectiles can travel at the speed of light. 而不是了解他们的武器的优势和局限性, 士兵们获得了不切实际的期望——以及在激烈的战斗中可能致命的习惯.


Thankfully, not all laser training systems are created the same way. 十大正规博彩网站排名的BT46技术, 为例子, 依靠强大的弹道计算机和陀螺仪来精确地模拟真实世界的弹丸轨迹. 结果是一个更加真实的“真实弹道”体验,强化了良好的枪械习惯,而不是坏习惯.


那么这个系统是如何发展的呢? 真正的弹道训练方法给战场上的士兵带来了什么好处. 长期以来,计算“命中数”并评估参与野战演习的士兵的成功程度一直是良好军事训练的一个特点. 

Prior to the advent of modern systems, 在演习进行时,监督警官们四处走动是他们的工作, assessing whether each soldier had hit their intended target. 这种方法有极大的局限性,经常让锻炼参与者感到沮丧. 监管官员经常会做出错误的判断,而且很容易在重要的枪击事件发生时不在场.

20世纪70年代末,当美国陆军开发出第一个基于激光的训练系统时,一个重大突破出现了. 激光模块安装在士兵武器的枪管上,还有一个空白射击适配器. 每个参与者都在头盔和背心上佩戴了一个由传感器组成的集成接收器. When a soldier pulled the trigger of his weapon, a blank cartridge fired and a laser was emitted from the barrel of his weapon. If the laser struck a sensor on the enemy, a hit was recorded and a beep sounded.


从某种意义上说,这是向前迈出的一大步,因为监管者不再需要跑来跑去决定谁受到了打击. 但这也是一种倒退,因为在演习中发射的激光“炮弹”以光速行进, giving soldiers false expectations of their weapons.


上世纪90年代,十大正规博彩网站排名公司引进了BT46激光训练技术,这一切都改变了. Rather than simply counting a laser striking a sensor as a hit, 该系统使用计算机和陀螺稳定技术来更好地模拟发射炮弹的真实路径. 在十大正规博彩网站排名运行的模拟中, laser rounds behaved the way real-world rounds do, subject to the force of gravity and realistic airspeeds.

多年来, we have evolved and improved our so-called ‘true ballistic’ system, and it is now available for a wide range of weapons. By using the latest generation of the BT46 technology, 小型弹道激光器(CBL), the true ballistic characteristics for respective weapon can be simulated. This includes e g vehicle weapons, anti-tank weapons and sniper applications.  每种武器类型, 该系统可以模拟阻力, flight path and ballistic properties of the ammunition. 它可以辨别, 例如, between the different rounds available for the Saab Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle. If a gunner undergoing training loads a blank HE 441 or an AMD 401 round, the system detects the difference and calculates the correct ballistics. 击中目标, the gunner has to make the same calculations and choices he would in a real battle.


The system is so advanced that it can factor in the temperature of the round, a critical factor for larger weapons such as anti-tank-weapons. Wind direction and wind velocity can also be pre-set, 教士兵在进行射击计算时考虑当时的气候条件.

该系统也可以被编程为在确定射击是否成功时考虑到各种各样的敌人特征. 用于反坦克武器模拟, 该系统可以考虑使用自动防护系统和防爆装甲.

Crucially, our system allows for the harvesting of exercise data. This allows for a thorough analysis of both the performance of individual soldiers, 而是参与的小队, 部分, 排, 所以. 不同的作战策略可以在下次演习前进行剖析和改进.


For soldiers, the added realism of the Saab system makes an enormous difference. 他们的训练教会了他们武器的真正有效射程,以及敌人能在多大距离上有效打击他们. 他们深刻理解了能够影响他们瞄准和压制对手能力的变量, and they learn to always take these into account. That means they are better placed to survive in real combat.

批判性的, 使用十大正规博彩网站排名系统的士兵不会养成让他们在战斗中失望的坏习惯. The same can’t be said for systems without true ballistic capabilities.