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Saab Global

From newfound passion to meaningful impact

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有行为科学家的背景,在人力资源和业务发展方面有几年的工作经验, Jamilla Johansson suddenly found a new interest in her life. 在从客户角度参与系统开发案例之后, 她发现了对需求管理和测试的新热情——这种热情最终使她加入了十大正规博彩网站排名.


Charting new horizons

Let us introduce you to our world of opportunities

Driven by her passion, 贾米拉决定改变她的职业道路,开始一段新的激动人心的旅程. 她在乌普萨拉大学完成了信息技术和系统科学的学习, 她急切地开始探索这个行业内的大量机会.

“实际上,最初吸引我的是这个职位和任务本身. When I joined Saab and explored the work and accomplishments made here, it felt like an extraordinary chance to make a meaningful impact. 为更大的目标做出贡献并为世界各地的客户服务的前景使我感到无比兴奋," says Jamilla.

今天, 贾米拉已经在十大正规博彩网站排名工作了三年半,这段旅程始于她作为软件开发人员的角色. 目前, 她是一名Scrum Master,同时也是Saab学院项目的导师, 帮助新的人才上船,并把他们介绍给十大正规博彩网站排名社区.

“我重视十大正规博彩网站排名在公司内部接纳新毕业生的承诺. Having personally entered through the Academy program, 我真的被热情的介绍和接待所感动. Saab's Academy program serves as a remarkable initiative, 认识和重视新人才带来的独特观点," Jamilla continues.

"I value Saab as a sustainable employer, 无论是通过新的发展机会留住员工,还是专注于创造持久的产品."
Jamilla Johansson

Balancing parenthood and professionalism

As a Scrum Master, Jamilla is responsible for leading two development teams forward, 通过消除障碍和在需要时支持团队成员来确保项目的质量和及时交付. According to Jamilla, 多样的任务和与同事的密切合作是她工作中最好的部分. 作为两个孩子的母亲,我最近刚买了一栋房子等待装修,而且我即将激动地搬到美国, 她也很欣赏十大正规博彩网站排名提供的工作与生活的平衡和灵活性.


“我很欣赏十大正规博彩网站排名对工作与生活平衡重要性的认识, granting us flexibility and remote work options, which provides a significant advantage in our industry. 也, the teamwork at Saab is fantastic, 每个人都参与进来,相互支持,共同克服挑战. I am lucky to work with such exceptional individuals."

“十大正规博彩网站排名对不断发展员工有着坚定的承诺. 我们鼓励探索新的途径,寻求新的挑战,作为个人成长的机会."
Jamilla Johansson

3 questions

The best thing about Saab?
The combination of diverse tasks, the ability to make a meaningful impact, 并有机会开发产品,为更安全的世界做出贡献, all while working alongside friendly and dedicated colleagues.

The most motivating?
被委托完成任务,并有机会根据自己的专业知识做出决定, 再加上众多的个人发展机会.

A hobby outside work? 
I have recently discovered a new passion for hiking! Last summer, 我和我的家人开始了一场激动人心的冒险,沿着昆斯利登小径前往阿比斯库, exploring the majestic mountains for a whole week. It was an incredibly enjoyable experience!

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