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carl - gustaf系统

The Carl-Gustaf® recoilless rifle is a man-portable, multi-role weapon system that allows dismounted soldiers to effectively deal with multiple challenges on the modern battlefield. Adaptable 和 flexible, the system is constantly evolving to satisfy future user 和 market needs.


Lightweight, robust, reliable, effective 和 easy to use
Tactical flexibility through a wide range of ammunition

重量 ~ 7 kg
长度< 1 m
风景Open sight, red dot sight, telescopic sight 和 advanced fire control device
弹药Anti-armour, anti-structure, anti-personnel, support
一个武器. 任何任务.
拿着卡尔-古斯塔夫M4和FCD 558的士兵
拿着卡尔-古斯塔夫M4和FCD 558的士兵
士兵给卡尔-古斯塔夫M4装上HE 448. 背景里有个拿着AT4的士兵
一个武器. 任何任务.

Ever-changing targets require a flexible, multi-purpose system. The Carl-Gustaf provides the effectiveness soldiers need to shut the enemy down before they can react in all environments. Having this single-weapon system for all situations increases tactical flexibility while reducing the amount of equipment to carry.


Compatibility with programmable ammunition 和 advanced fire control devices provides greater accuracy 和 faster responses, empowering soldiers to achieve their objectives swiftly 和 safely, 并对设备充满信心.


The carl - gustaf系统 is a complete package of:

  • 武器
  • 风景
  • 弹药
  • 培训
  • 支持

卡尔-古斯塔夫M4 -设定标准

The Carl-Gustaf weapon system is designed to give troops the tactical advantage in any combat scenario, 包括摧毁装甲坦克, 隐藏的敌军, clearing obstacles 和 engaging enemies in buildings.

Following decades of innovation, the combat-proven Carl-Gustaf weapon system has evolved. The carl - gustaf M4 offers tactical advantages over its predecessors. Speed 和 manoeuvrability can be the difference between life 和 death. The M4 is shorter than one meter 和 weighs less than seven kilos, so troops can react faster while remaining agile.

Compatibility with advanced fire control device systems 和 programmable ammunition ensures your forces have the most advanced technology at their fingertips. At the same time, the M4 weapon is backward-compatible with all legacy Carl-Gustaf ammunition.

Maximum effect 和 flexibility with a range of sights

The carl - gustaf M4 can be fitted with a wide range of sights to ensure maximum effect in any tactical situation 和 flexibility for the user. The system is attached with st和ard clip-on telescopic sight, 有其他选项, 包括开眼, red dot sight 和 advanced fire control devices, 可用.

Saab is committed to ongoing innovative development of the carl - gustaf系统 to ensure your troops remain highly agile 和 always one step ahead of the enemy.


For critical missions where every second counts, our Fire Control Device (FCD) 558 has soldiers covered. No range knobs 和 built-in ballistics data for all Carl-Gustaf ammunition allow rapid reloading 和 adjustment, 和 improved sensors for temperature 和 air pressure, 以及光学和夜间能力, give ground forces the advantage in every scenario.   


Our HE 448 ammunition is a force to be reckoned with, providing increased efficiency 和 greater accuracy. The multi-role fuse can be used in impact mode to destroy soft-skinned vehicles 和 other semi-hardened targets, or in airburst mode to allow neutralisation of infantry in the open or in open trenches.

视频- 00:58

Defeat the enemy quickly 和 accurately with precision ammunition

Carl-Gustaf ammunition is designed to achieve your forces’ goal of defeating the enemy faster, 具有极高的准确性和适应性, 同时保护士兵的安全,拯救生命.

Every munition for Carl-Gustaf has a calibre of 84 mm, meaning each one is compatible with every version of the weapon. Our varied range covers all potential enemy targets. Effectively destroy structures or vehicles with anti-armour, 反坦克和反建筑弹药, 和 neutralise infantry in the open with our anti-personnel range. 在战场上提供额外的支援, illumination lights up tactical areas during night-time operations, 和 instant smoke provides an effective tool for blinding 和 screening targets.


Carl-Gustaf training systems offer advanced skills training using sub-calibre 和 full-calibre target practice rounds within 室内户外模拟器 确保满足所有培训要求.

The weapon is delivered in a case along with the necessary accessories. 这包括一个维护工具包, 备件和工具, packed in carrying bags to enable daily maintenance 和 initial repair during lengthy operations.



carl - gustaf M4

In 2018, the US Army announced it would adopt the carl - gustaf M4. The official designation is the M3A1, but often it is just called ‘Gustaf’.

GRG m/48, GRG m/86和GRG m/18是什么意思?
carl - gustaf M4

在瑞典, the system has three official versions – the GRG m/48 (Carl-Gustaf M1), GRG m/86 (Carl-Gustaf M3) 和 GRG m/18 (carl - gustaf M4) - depending on the version.

carl - gustaf M4

As off today carl - gustaf M4 has 15 customers including Sweden, US 和 澳大利亚.


找到 press releases regarding some of our customers in our 十大正规博彩网站排名.

什么是rekylfri kanon?

In 挪威, rekylfri kanon (RFK) is the official name for Carl-Gustaf.


Carl-Gustaf is officially known as Dysekanon in Denmark.


The official name is Carl-Gustaf, but some people spell it with a V instead of F. 


The 澳大利亚n Army has been using variants of Carl-Gustaf for decades. 澳大利亚n soldiers use the more colloquial nicknames of ‘Charlie guts ache’ 和 ‘Charlie Swede’.


In 加拿大, troops call the Carl-Gustaf ‘Carl G’.

卡尔-古斯塔夫M4与FCD 558和Thermis II MR


The carl - gustaf系统 has a long 和 distinguished history, which stretches back to 1948. Here are some interesting facts about the system you may not already know.

  • Every munition for Carl-Gustaf® has a calibre of 84mm, this means every munition is compatible with every version of the weapon
  • The name "Carl-Gustaf" originates from the factory where the first version of Carl-Gustaf® was manufactured
  • The weight of Carl-Gustaf® M4 is less than half the weight of the M2 version
Carl-Gustaf has been sold to more than 40 countries around the world.


Explore our stories with the Carl-Gustaf® system.
Dismounted soldier loads carl - gustaf M4 with HE 448
Dismounted soldier loads carl - gustaf M4 with HE 448


A new high-explosive round 和 a sophisticated fire control device have made our Carl-Gustaf® system more effective than ever, while maintaining the ease of use that gunners love.

拿着卡尔-古斯塔夫M4和FCD 558的士兵 和 thermal sight.


在客户反馈的帮助下开发, Saab’s HE 448 round 和 FCD 558 fire control device for the Carl-Gustaf® system combine to solve even more battlefield challenges.



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